Fitness in Plain English
This comprehensive guide walks you through building an effective training program—focusing on simple principles and application techniques. Attorney Jacob A. Mendes shares his insights over years of training clients and staying in shape while balancing a demanding full-time job. Most people have limited time (and interest) to devote to being fit. This guide offers suggestions on how to structure a training and nutrition program while being mindful of balancing life’s responsibilities.
This comprehensive guide walks you through building an effective training program—focusing on simple principles and application techniques. Attorney Jacob A. Mendes shares his insights over years of training clients and staying in shape while balancing a demanding full-time job. Most people have limited time (and interest) to devote to being fit. This guide offers suggestions on how to structure a training and nutrition program while being mindful of balancing life’s responsibilities.
This comprehensive guide walks you through building an effective training program—focusing on simple principles and application techniques. Attorney Jacob A. Mendes shares his insights over years of training clients and staying in shape while balancing a demanding full-time job. Most people have limited time (and interest) to devote to being fit. This guide offers suggestions on how to structure a training and nutrition program while being mindful of balancing life’s responsibilities.